Noticias / Mayo 2021

marketing digital estrategias basicas
Marketing digital: Aprende estrategias básicas en tan solo 3 minutos

¿Sabes cuáles son las estrategias básicas del marketing digital? ¡Descúbrelas aquí en menos de 3 minutos!

marketing organico y pagado diferencias
Marketing orgánico y marketing pagado: ¿Cuáles son sus diferencias?

Conozca las diferencias entre el marketing orgánico y el marketing pagado y cómo llevar a cabo una estrategia conjunta exitosa. 

elegir software educativo
5 aspectos que debes tener en cuenta para elegir un software educativo

Estas son 5 sugerencias que cualquier institución de educación superior debe tener en cuenta a la hora de contratar un proveedor de software. 

Agregados de contenidos
El ABC del Marketing: A de Aggregator

Qué son los aggregators (o agregadores en su traducción al español) y cómo sirven a las empresas. 

errores a la hora de implementar un software educativo
5 errores para evitar a la hora de implementar un software educativo

Estos son los errores que toda institución de educación superior tiene que evadir al elegir una plataforma de software en línea.

difference between organic and paid marketing
Organic vs. Paid Marketing: What's the difference between them?

Marketing involves a wide range of activities that help businesses promote and sell their products and services. If Organic and Paid Marketing are correctly combined, together they can generate optimal results for any business. What's the difference between the two? Let's discuss it.

Basic Strategies of Digital Marketing
Which are the Basic Strategies of Digital Marketing?

Do you know which are the basic strategies of digital marketing? Let's discuss them quickly.

What are leads and why are they important
Leads: What are they and why are they important for Businesses?

Do you know what leads are? How much do they matter? What do they say about your capacity to digitally market your products and services? Let's discuss it all here!

Aggregators The A in the ABC of Marketing
Aggregators: The A in the ABC of Marketing

What are aggregators and why are they important for businesses?

Content aggregators allow businesses to up their marketing game.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing Educational Software
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing Educational Software

The following are 5 mistakes you must avoid when choosing an online software platform and provider for your higher education institution.

Choosing Educational Software 5 Factors to Consider
Choosing Educational Software? 5 Factors to Consider

Do you have an educational institution and are looking for the right software program for you? Here are 5 tips you should consider.